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Lead: Peter

copy of CD cover with link to CD home page

Barbadian hand over hand chantey, from Frederick Pease Harlow, Chanteying Aboard American Ships.


Solo: Come smilin' Lindy Lowe, the prettiest gal I know
Chorus: On the finest boat that ever float
Chorus: On the Ohio, the Mississippi or the Ohio

Come smilin' Lindy Lowe, to Louisiana show

Come smilin' Lindy Lowe, by the Gulf of Mexico

Come smilin' Lindy Lowe, to the bayous deep and slow

Come smilin' Lindy Lowe [the boat on ring to go?]

Come smilin' Lindy Lowe before the whistle blow

Come smilin' Lindy Lowe, get onboard or row

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